A total service company Established 1937
A total service company (Seychelles)

Hunt Deltel and the Yachting club

Tue, 09/06/2022 - 00:00 -- chantal


This year’s challenge is a bit more exciting than the others are, as the Mahé-Praslin crossing on the windsurfing board is celebrating its 40th anniversary. To commemorate the occasion, the Seychelles Yachting Association hosted extra activities to complement the event.

Other than the traditional crossing scheduled for Saturday, August 20, windsurfing and kite-surfing have been programmed to occur on Praslin. Hunt Deltel join other sponsors for hosting the Mahe Praslin challenge. The main sponsor for the event was the local telecommunication company Airtel Seychelles.

The event has been held for many years with some faithful participants, but it also has its fair share of cancellations, mainly due to unfavourable weather conditions. Mr Alcindor explained that all the event logistics are going according to plan, and for now, fingers crossed for favourable weather conditions on Saturday. He said the main change in this year’s crossing would be the finishing place in front of the Indian Ocean Lodge, one of the sponsors. Another new feature will be the Global Positioning System (GPS) which will be attached to all the surfers to ease tracking and better monitor them at sea.

Through the Big Boys Toys- Hunt, Deltel officially sponsored a kitesurfing competition. It was a Kitesurfing Slalom race consisting of 5 races during the day to complete the Series. The participants were local kite surfers from the community and the Seychelles Yachting Association competing to raise awareness of the sport to engage youths to join the sport.